Hi, I'm Kristine

When I found myself dreading waking up in the morning after becoming a newly single parent and feeling the urge to crawl into a hole and not come out until the "coast was clear" because of all the chaos that followed my divorce, I knew there had to be a better way, a much better way so I could be happy and feel alive again.

I know what it's like to feel stuck and lost, facing some incredibly chaotic times as a divorced parent of three teenage girls. It was daunting to say the least but once I found the strength and courage I needed to get unstuck and take my life back, wow have things changed!

Now that I know what it takes to pull yourself out of survival mode and into thriving mode - so that you love your life again and can be the parent you need to be for your kids and excel in things you never imagined possible, life is pretty incredible.

Knowing what it takes, I am determined to help you live your life in the best way possible too - but not just live it, to LOVE it and feel fabulous while doing it!

My Story

you can do anything you set your mind to!

Hi, I'm Kristine, a Registered Nurse and certified Health and Life Coach who went through a less than enjoyable divorce, which resulted in me raising my three teenage girls pretty much on my own for the past 5 plus years, which is not an easy task. I have struggled myself in feeling extremely overwhelmed and stressed out, not feeling good in my own skin or really loving where my life was taking me, and honestly dreading getting up many mornings! I wanted to feel alive and happy again but didn't have a clue where to start!

Over the past 5 plus years I have been experimenting with and learning what works best to build physical and mental strength and resilience so I can feel good on a daily basis! What changed everything for me was becoming addicted to working out and hiring my own life coach who taught me how to effectively shift my mindset and embrace positivity.  Now I thrive on exercise and being active, have managed to quit really unhealthy habits like smoking and have found a healthier way of eating that works for my lifestyle, which has led to healthier habits.

Through this process I have learned how to get past the overwhelm, "stuckness" and lack of energy I had been experiencing to finally create a happy, healthy and fabulous life! That in turn has helped me love the life I'm living which gives me the energy needed to raise my daughters as my best self. I am dedicated to making sure every overwhelmed and drained of energy person out there has the same tools that took me from feeling stressed and overwhelmed to loving and enjoying life every single day! Everyone can feel fabulous and love the life they live when provided with the right tools available to get started.

My Client's Results

"I've stopped worrying about what others might be thinking AND I'm not worrying about what I look like like I used to!"

- Kim D.

"I'm learning to ask for more help with things around the house with being more open and communicative."

- Kaylene N.

"I have more energy in the afternoon now and don't feel like I need to take a nap anymore right after lunch!"

- Renee D


  • I am infatuated with waterfalls and anything that has to do with capturing the sun rise or set, bonus if big fluffy clouds are included!

  • I broke my leg on the last lap of the 2 mile run of the final PT test in basic training for the Army National Guard and still passed!

  • I love horses and spent many of my teenage years training the horses I rode in horse shows around central Wisconsin

  • My heart is happiest when I am immersed in nature, whether by way of camping, fishing or kayaking - which goes best with a cold bottle of Leinie’s Summer Shandy by the way ;)

  • Wisconsin has been home my entire life, the changing of the seasons is my favorite part of being a Wisconsinite

  • I am a survivor of narcissistic abuse

  • It took me over 40 years to realize my own self-worth and discover my true calling in life

  • I am fully committed to helping you on your journey to living a fabulous life that you love!